Hello my friends! In today’s article, I will talk about tear trough filler, a beauty solution that is quite popular today with all girls. If you still feel unfamiliar with this concept, let my today’s article guide you from A to Z of the problem. I know that many of you read my blog every day and maybe you are new to this concept so don’t worry, I will start from the first concept for you which is about what is tear trough? Let’s go!

What is tear trough?
Have you ever noticed that some people, even though they are the same age, look old and tired all the time, while others always look fresh and youthful? I’m not talking about spirit or anything else but I’m referring to their appearance. People who look older than their age and always seem tired often have wrinkles in the lower eyelids which we are talking about in today’s article. It’s called tear trough.
And a tear trough refers to the deep crease that forms between the lower eyelid and upper cheek.
And a tear trough refers to the deep crease that forms between the lower eyelid and upper cheek. This distinctive feature can cast a shadow below the eyes, contributing to a tired or fatigued appearance. Many individuals perceive the prominence of tear troughs as a factor that ages people’s overall look, believing that these contours beneath the eyes contribute to an older appearance.
What is tear trough filler?
The use of tear trough fillers, also known as under eye fillers or dermal fillers, has become widely accepted as a cosmetic solution for tired eyes.
This is a non-surgical procedure that involves the precise injection of a gel-like substance into specific areas around the eyes, aiming to restore volume lost through aging.
The commonly used substance is hyaluronic acid. It is an acid that exists naturally in each of our bodies. When injected into the skin, hyaluronic acid increases the tension of damaged and wrinkled skin areas.
The result is more refined, youthful and radiant skin, along with a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and fine lines.
It’s important to note that the delicate framework around the eyes is especially susceptible to signs of aging, with the tear trough area being one of the first places to show these signs. The development of tear trough cavities is due to the laxity of the skin and muscle tissue in this area. The appearance of sunken and hollow tear troughs can be influenced by genetics or DNA, making it common even in people at a relatively young age.
Tear sulcus filler treatment is a tailor-made, non-invasive and non-surgical procedure, customized to each individual’s suitability and needs. Before and after use of eye crease filler can make a significant difference, evening out the skin tone in that area and minimizing the appearance of dark circles. This revives sunken areas and lines under the eyes by adding volume and tightening the skin, giving a brighter, healthier appearance, contributing to a more youthful and vibrant appearance to the face. Additionally, it can change the way light interacts with the skin, reducing the visibility of dark circles.

Read more: Under eye filler and 101 things you cannot ignore
The procedure of using tear trough filler
When you go to a cosmetic facility to learn about tear trough filler, spa experts will examine and evaluate your tear trough area to see if you are suitable for the treatment.
They will also listen to you share about your medical history and wishes to have the most suitable regimen for each person, avoiding complications and risks after using tear trough filler.
After agreeing on the method, the staff will advise you further about tear trough filler cost to come to a decision.
During the treatment process, first, the technician will disinfect the skin under your eyes and anesthetize it so that you do not feel pain and reduce the risk of bruising to the treated skin area.
Then they will slowly inject tear trough filler into a small hole on each side of the lower eyelid, tear trough filler will be filled throughout the surrounding eye skin area.
You can watch the whole process directly without any pain. After finishing the injection, you will be massaged thoroughly to spread the tear trough filler evenly. You will see results appear immediately after treatment. At the end of this process, experts will advise you on the steps you need to take to care for the eye area after tear trough filler injection, such as avoiding alcoholic beverages.
Is tear trough filler safe?

Tear trough filler is relatively safe if you do it at a reputable place with highly skilled specialists. Because this is a non-invasive beauty method, compared to surgery, it is trusted by many women more. Many celebrities have seen a clear difference between tear trough filler before and after. Surely you know Katy Perry? She is a typical tear trough filler celebrity.
Although it is quite safe when done in reputable places, one thing you need to know is that the effect of tear trough filler only lasts about 1 year. Therefore, if you want to maintain fresh beauty, you need annual treatment to achieve long-term results. And that’s also the reason you should find a reputable facility right from the beginning.
What are some side effects and complications of tear trough filler treatment?
Although it has been announced by the FDA that tear trough filler is safe for people over the age of 22, no cosmetic procedure is without risks. Because it depends on each person’s response to chemicals.
Considering the famous and reputable tear trough filler facilities, I still occasionally (very rarely) see side effects causing discomfort and allergies from customers.
One of the most common reactions is there is no difference in tear trough under eye filler before, headaches, swelling and bruising.
If tear trough filler is done at poor quality facilities, there have been many cases of customers going blind due to improper injection of tear trough filler, causing it to block the passage of blood vessels supplying blood to the eyes.

Tear trough filler cost
The cost of tear trough filler depends on the number of syringes you need. If your tear trough is shallow, your specialist may use one syringe on both sides but if it is deep, you may need twice as much.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of hyaluronic acid is $684 per syringe. Therefore, the procedure can range from $684 to $1,500. But remember, like I said, you need to continue using filler every year for it to be effective.
And this treatment is cosmetic and considered unnecessary so it will not be covered by health insurance!
Okay! So above is everything I know about tear trough filler. Hopefully my article will help you have a clearer view of this beauty method and be able to make a decision for yourself. If you find this article useful, don’t forget to like and share it with me! Thank you very much!
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