A Highland Expedition to Foster Reading and Learning

Over the last two years, Vietnam Lash has been dedicated to making a positive impact through various charitable activities, social responsibility endeavors, and community development initiatives. Building on the foundation of their previous efforts, the organization has now extended its reach to Lao Cai province, undertaking a transformative mission that goes beyond meeting immediate needs.

The recent volunteer charity trip to Lao Cai province was more than just an excursion; it was a heartfelt endeavor to sow the seeds of knowledge and cultivate a love for reading in the highland areas. This new focus on promoting a reading culture reflects Vietnam Lash’s broader vision of nurturing young minds for a better future. Through this holistic approach, the organization aims not only to address the current needs of the community but also to invest in the intellectual development of children, fostering a positive trajectory for their futures. This volunteer charity trip was a vivid manifestation of Vietnam Lash’s unwavering commitment to spreading goodness and serving the community through annual charity activities, social responsibility, and community development.

Vietnam Lash and Faculty of Ban Cam Commune Secondary School
Vietnam Lash and Faculty of Ban Cam Commune Secondary School

Fundraising Success: Empowering the Journey

The success of this benevolent journey was made possible through the synergy of determination and the boundless support of nearly 400 generous customers and the wider social media community. Together, we raised over $2000, a testament to the collective power of goodwill and shared compassion. The funds mobilized not only provided essential food and water for underprivileged households but also facilitated the creation of a literary haven for the young minds of Lao Cai. We believe in the transformative power of education and aim to provide intellectual nourishment that extends beyond temporary material assistance.

Gifts from VNL to the lovely students of Bao Cam School
Gifts from VNL to the lovely students of Bao Cam School

Reaching The Schools

Covering a challenging 300-kilometer journey from Hanoi to Lao Cai, the Vietnam Lash team was fueled by an unwavering passion to make a tangible difference. Upon reaching Lao Cai, the focus shifted to Ban Cam Commune Secondary School and Phong Hai Secondary School, two educational institutions nestled in the heart of rural Lao Cai. The primary objective was clear to encourage a culture of reading among the students.

The company’s first initiative was the construction of bookshelves for schools, creating dedicated spaces to nurture the love of reading. Beyond the physical structures, a thoughtfully curated collection of books was donated to cater to the diverse interests and reading levels of the students.

Two bookshelves and over a hundred books were given to the schools
Two bookshelves and over a hundred books were given to the schools

Interactive Learning and “Happy Reading Hour”: Fostering a Love for Learning

The interaction with school kids became a highlight of the charity trip. Vietnam Lash actively engaged with the students, organizing fun activities that not only entertained but also imparted valuable life skills. The team introduced the concept of a “Happy Reading Hour,” a dedicated time for students to immerse themselves in the joy of reading. During this hour, the students were encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences related to the books they read, fostering a sense of community and intellectual exchange. 

happy reading hour
The program successfully encouraged many secondary students to further embrace reading

Overall, Vietnam Lash, along with Tri Tue Viet Nam, organized happy reading hours for 8 classrooms, inspiring reading in 324 students, with 7 teachers registering for training programs to continue developing a reading culture at the school.

Gifts for Bright Minds

As a token of appreciation and encouragement, Vietnam Lash distributed presents to the school kids. The children, with their bright minds and sweet spirits, became inspiring study partners for the team. One particularly touching moment was receiving a heartfelt letter from a student expressing gratitude for the experience and time spent together. These connections underscored the profound impact of the program on the lives of these young learners.

student's letter sent to Vietnamlash
The loveliest letter we received from one of the students

Welcoming Communities and Supportive Teachers

The warm welcome extended by the teachers played a pivotal role in the success of the initiative. The collaborative spirit between Vietnam Lash and the local educators allowed the program to unfold seamlessly. The teachers’ support not only facilitated the activities within the schools but also demonstrated a shared commitment to fostering educational opportunities in highland areas.

We couldn't have fulfilled this journey without the help of teachers and school faculty
We couldn’t have fulfilled this journey without the help of teachers and school faculty

Beyond the Classroom

Vietnam Lash’s commitment extended beyond the school walls. Our team seized the opportunity to visit local households, interacting with residents and gaining insight into their lives. This personal touch allows us to understand the challenges faced by these communities better. We then donated necessities, aiming to alleviate some of the burdens carried by these underprivileged households.

Vietnamlash had the chance to meet with many local households
Vietnamlash had the chance to meet with many local households

Dedication of Vietnam Lash’s Employees

At the core of Vietnam Lash’s philanthropic efforts are our dedicated employees. Motivated by a genuine desire to bring positive change to communities in need, our team worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the program. Their commitment to nurturing young minds in Vietnam reflects the company’s broader mission of contributing to a better future.

The younger generation is the future
The younger generation is the future

The success of this charitable journey reaffirmed Vietnam Lash’s belief in the power of community and demonstrated that small actions, when multiplied, can create significant impact. The company’s dedication to encouraging a reading culture, especially in highland areas, is a step toward empowering the younger generation with the tool of knowledge, paving the way for a brighter and more informed future.

This journey stands as a testament to the company’s values and its commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those who need it the most. Through initiatives like these, Vietnam Lash not only beautifies lashes but also contributes to beautifying the minds and futures of the youth in Vietnam.

Once again, we want to express our profound gratitude to our cherished donors for wholeheartedly supporting our mission to empower the youth of Vietnam. Your kindness and generosity are the driving forces behind our efforts, and we are genuinely touched by your commitment to making a lasting impact on the lives of these young individuals.
